Title: Saint-Saëns : The Swan
Title: J.S. Bach – Cello Suite No. 3, Prelude
Cello Has Own Identity
*Percentages shown below are an accurate indicator of the cello’s respective characteristics among TMX’s collection of violins.
Country: German
This Paesold cello is crafted from fully solid, slightly flamed maple with genuine purfling and shaded spirit hand varnish. This is an entry level instrument for the demanding student who is looking for a cello that incorporates all the features and benefits for which German instruments are famous, but at a very competitive price. The cello is convenient to play and has a warm, dark, balanced sound.
Title: Saint-Saëns : The Swan
Title: J.S. Bach – Cello Suite No. 3, Prelude
*Percentages shown below are an accurate indicator of the cello’s respective characteristics among TMX’s collection of violins.
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